Yudhistira Rizky Abdillah, AB Susanto and Subagiyo
Marine Science Department, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Abstract: This research studied the level of methane gained from anaerob fermentation process of seaweed of Padina Sp, Gracilaria sp and Sargassum sp. From the 18-day anaerob fermentation process, the methane gained from each species of seaweed is as follows: 14,58 ± 0,68 % for Padina, 17,10 ± 0,71 % for Gracilaria and 18,23 ± 0,78 % for Sargassum.
The use of starter increased the level of methane produced. The level of Padina methane increased by 4.97 % (increased percentage was 51.72 %), Gracilaria methane increased by 3.92 % (increased percentage was 29.74 %), and Sargassum increased by 8.75 % (increased percentage was 92.29 %).
Keyword: seaweed, biogas, methane
Keyword: seaweed, biogas, methane
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